Thursday, October 31, 2013

People think I paint EVERY detail. While this is kinda true, I've found some techniques that make it SEEM that way, but are hugely efficient (since I usually work on a deadline).

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

While I find many (most?) things can be painted with standard Photoshop brushes, I do have a bunch of custom brushes that speed up specific textures. I haven't made them available for download - most can be made in about 5 minutes.

An artist is their own worst critic. Always. No matter how good it looks to others, every illustrator I know sees the flaws a day later (or a month later, if you're lucky). I try to see this as a positive: compelling us to be better, but there are plenty of times I want to kill that bitchy inner critic...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tip-a-week: painting shiny white stuff. In college I did a series of paintings
using white objects to better understand light & colour. 
What I learned: there's a LOT of colour in white.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Another "tip-a-week" - painting marble made easy, for this recent job. Maybe next time I'll deal with royal jewels!